Impactful Leadership Products

At Leading360, we’ve crafted a suite of solutions aimed at developing visionary leaders like you. Immerse yourself in an experience that’s not just about learning but transforming.

Discover your true leadership potential, make a lasting impact, and gain insights like never before with our easy-to-understand analytics. Plus, get exclusive access to a wealth of knowledge through our engaging e-books, insightful whitepapers, and captivating video content. It’s all designed to guide you on an exciting journey of growth and discovery. Let’s redefine leadership together.”

iLead Assessment

Explore three tailored iLead Assessment packages from Leading360, each offering unique insights and practical guidance to enhance your leadership effectiveness.

1. Intentions

Unlock the Essence of Your Leadership with the ‘Intentions’ Package. Delve into the core of your leadership character and beliefs, and discover how to lead with authenticity and purpose. It’s the first step in transforming your leadership journey.

2. Inspiration

Fuel Your Leadership with the ‘Inspiration’ Package. Evaluate and enhance your ability to energize and uplift those around you. Understand your unique people leadership traits and communication style, and inspire your team to realize their full potential.

3. Impact

Elevate Your Leadership Influence with the ‘Impact’ Package. Measure and maximize the positive change you drive within your team and organization. From sustainability to strategy and innovation, understand how your leadership shapes outcomes and drives transformative results.

Client Testimonial

Discover How Our iLead Leadership Assessment Can Transform Your Leadership

We’ve developed a unique leadership assessment process at Leading360. Designed to capture, compute, communicate, compare, and commit – The 5C’s process is your gateway to truly understanding and enhancing your leadership style. Through each of these five steps, our iLead leadership assessment equips you with the insights necessary to make informed decisions, focus your efforts, and amplify your impact as a leader. Here’s how we guide you towards realizing your full leadership potential:



Start your journey with thought-provoking questions that delve deep into your unique approach to leadership. It’s the first step in uncovering your leadership style.



Using advanced algorithms, we analyze your responses to provide a comprehensive leadership score. This gives you a clear picture of where you stand today in your leadership journey.



Gain valuable insights with a personalized report based on your answers. It’s not just about scores; it’s about understanding your leadership beliefs and actions, with practical tips to boost your impact.



Visualize your growth with our dynamic dashboard. Track your performance across key areas over time, and with our subscription model, reassess monthly to see your development unfold.



In your personalized leadership dashboard, document your learning and set your leadership goals. This private space is yours to revisit and refine as you grow and evolve as a leader.



We begin with a series of thoughtful questions to examine your leadership approach. Our platform. records your answers.



At this stage, your responses are analysed using proprietary algorithms to evaluate your current leadership approach to compute an overall leadership score.



Your replies and scores provide a personalised report offering insights into your leadership beliefs and actions. The report provides critical tips to enhance your leadership impact.



In addition to the report, we provide a dynamic dashboard to visually assess your performance on key themes and over time. Whereby, you have the opportunity to retake the assessment every month through the subscription model.



Finally, we offer you the opportunity to record your learning and leadership priorities in your personalised leadership vault. Please rest assured this information is only accessible by you.

Benefits of Undertaking iLead Assessment

To improve your leadership abilities, we recommend that you follow a five-step process, beginning with the collecting of data and ending with the demonstration of change. When you commence the leadership assessment you may wish to consider each of the following stages of your journey.


1. Improve leadership skills
2. Get a better position or job within the organisation
3. Improve job prospects and career development
4. Improve your performance impact
5. Make a positive contribution for all stakeholders

Small and Medium Companies

1. Identify leadership potential within the company
2. Improve team performance and productivity
3. Ensure cultural alignment with company values
4. Talent development and facilitating smooth transitions
5. Contribute to long-term organizational success

Coaches and Mentors

1. Identify areas that need development
2. Monitor/track performance development
3. Increase productivity and performance
4. Enable personal growth and professional development
5. Allows for accountability and goal setting

Continual Technology Development

Leading360 aims to build the world’s #1 fully immersive leadership platform, enabling
leaders and organizations to move from data to destiny. Below are some of the
functionalities under development:

Expansion to Corporate and Enterprise Insights:

Leverage our data science and behavioural psychology expertise to provide data insights on leadership to corporate clients.

Leadership Management Suite for Professionals:

A comprehensive platform that allows coaches, consultants, and HR professionals to manage their practice and handle client relationships more effectively

Global Leadership Benchmark Index:

A standardized setting mechanism to help rate and evaluate leadership qualities across different sectors and industries.

Focus on sustainable Development:

Development of API Integration for financial
and non-financial reporting that aligns with global sustainability goals, providing a data-driven approach to social responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Not yet prepared to take the iLead Assessment ….Take the Free Leadership Assessment as a pathway to enhance your leadership effectiveness.

Inquiring minds need to know

We have a team happy to answer any questions you have and discuss any potential project you’re interested in.