Journey to Leadership Resilience

In the fast-paced rhythm of today’s world, leadership transcends beyond titles and positions – it’s about sparking a meaningful change. At Leading360, we delve into what makes a leader truly impactful in the 21st century.

Our innovative approach combines global insights with the heart of your unique leadership style. Think of our iLead Assessment as your personal leadership compass, crafted with advanced algorithms to reveal how your beliefs and actions shape your team, organization, and the wider community.

How is your leadership affecting others around you?

At the heart of every great leader lies the potential for even greater achievements. That’s where Leading360 steps in. We believe in going beyond the conventional strength-based models to offer a 360-degree insight into your leadership style. Imagine having a tool that not only assesses your skills but also aligns with your unique leadership values.

Embark on our 5 step Leadership Journey - from Data to Destiny

The 5C’s Leadership Journey



Start your journey with thought-provoking questions that delve deep into your unique approach to leadership. It’s the first step in uncovering your leadership style.



Using advanced algorithms, we analyze your responses to provide a comprehensive leadership score. This gives you a clear picture of where you stand today in your leadership journey.



Gain valuable insights with a personalized report based on your answers. It’s not just about scores; it’s about understanding your leadership beliefs and actions, with practical tips to boost your impact.



Visualize your growth with our dynamic dashboard. Track your performance across key areas over time, and with our subscription model, reassess monthly to see your development unfold.



In your personalized leadership dashboard, document your learning and set your leadership goals. This private space is yours to revisit and refine as you grow and evolve as a leader.

Kickstart your leadership transformation with the perfect iLead package today! Whether you're an individual, a business, or a coach, our iLead Assessments are designed to elevate your leadership performance to new heights. Don't wait—enhance your leadership skills now and see the difference!


For individual leaders seeking personal development and clarity on their strengths and limitations. The assessment will provide valuable self-awareness and guide your development journey enhancing leadership effectiveness.

Building bridges in cross-generational leadership

Small & Medium Companies

Small and Mid-sized enterprises looking to develop existing leaders, identify potential leaders, improve team dynamics and cultivate a culture for growth and success.

Coaches & Mentors

Designed for coaches and mentors to provide objective evaluations, foster self-awareness, develop targeted plans and track client progress. The assessment enables personalized coaching, addresses blind spots, builds confidence and measures the impact of coaching efforts.

Discover Our eBook
Effective Leadership - Empower Tomorrow Leaders Today!

Are you ready to uncover the secrets to leadership success and learn why our assessment is the key to achieving it? Our eBook, “Effective Leadership,” is your gateway to a world of Leadership insights and knowledge. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into what makes our company and our assessment stand out from the rest.

Enhance Your Leadership Skills

In today’s business world, effective leadership is crucial for success. Many companies face a leadership crisis, experiencing employee attrition due to suboptimal leadership.

The Leadership Gap is a reality felt yet not fully understood by many organisations.

Leadership is evolving, and there’s a significant gap we can’t ignore. The Leadership Gap is the disconnect between current leadership capabilities and the skills needed to navigate our dynamic business environment. This gap can disrupt team cohesion, reduce engagement, and limit organisational growth. Start bridging this gap today!


Uncover key insights to an exceptional leadership!

Embark on a journey to elevate your leadership skills with our expertly crafted e-book. Filled with vital insights and practical tips, this guide empowers you to inspire your team, drive innovation, and lead with unwavering confidence. Transform from a manager to a visionary leader who makes a real difference.

Take a deep dive into our free e-book and elevate your leadership skills.

Click on the link below to download the e-book.

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senior managers admit that leadership training is a critical tool in influencing business outcomes

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